Stalkar – “Sorrow”

Sorrow is a song that expressed the feelings of most humans and the reality of life where we all seek the good things in life. It’s a very melodious and emotional high-spirit song. It talks about facing your fears and fighting for what you want.  It’s a very relatable song.



Cos, It’s a brand new day
So let my sorrow go away
Cos, have been praying for the good things of life
So let my sorrow go away
Cos, have been praying for the good things of life
Sorrow sorrow sorrow go away
I say sorrow sorrow sorrow go away
I say sorrow sorrow sorrow go away
I say sorrow sorrow sorrow.

There is a lot on my mind
Life has taught me a lot
So my yes is my yes
And my no is my no
Mehn i came from the street
And have been through a lot
Them go chop your meat
Them go give you the bone
As i carry my ofor
Mehn i face my fears
Na them dey fear me
As i fight my demons
I beat them pka
As i defend my attackers
Call me gattuso
Na me be their father.

Cos, It’s a brand new day
So let my sorrow go away
Cos, have been praying for the good things of life
So let my sorrow go away
Cos, have been praying for the good things of life
Sorrow sorrow sorrow go away
I say sorrow sorrow sorrow go away
I say sorrow sorrow sorrow go away
I say sorrow sorrow sorrow.

Oyimma yimma yimma
Dem carry me for speaker
Dem no fit wear my knickerDem no fit see my downfall
Oyimma yimma yimma
Dem carry me for speaker
Dem no fit wear my knicker
Dem no fit see my downfall
Cos, i dey run my race
So make no motherfunker
come my way come my way

Cos, It’s a brand new day
So let my sorrow go away
Cos, have been praying for the good things of life
So let my sorrow go away
Cos, have been praying for the good things of life
Sorrow sorrow sorrow go away
I say sorrow sorrow sorrow go away
I say sorrow sorrow sorrow go away
I say sorrow sorrow sorrow.

The post Stalkar – “Sorrow” appeared first on tooXclusive.


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